Halloween Safety Tips 2018
Posted 10-24-18
The City of Sevierville Police and Fire Departments (SPD/SFD) hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween this year. To promote the safety of our children, the SPD and SFD offer parents and caregivers the following Halloween safety tips.
Please note: the City of Sevierville does not designate or endorse an official date and time to trick or treat.
• Avoid trick-or-treating alone. Walk in groups or with a trusted adult.
• Follow your children around, whether they like it or not.
• When the children knock on the door to get a treat, stand behind them on the porch. That way the kids are free to enjoy themselves, and the person opening the door can clearly see an adult is caring for these children.
• Fasten reflective tape to costumes and bags to help drivers see you.
• Hold a flashlight while trick-or-treating to help you see and others see you. Always WALK and don't run from house to house.
• Look both ways before crossing the street. Use established crosswalks wherever possible.
• Never walk near lit jack o’lanterns, candles or luminaries.
• Be sure to wear flame-resistant costumes.
• Examine all treats for choking hazards and tampering before eating them. Limit the amount of treats you eat.
• Eat only factory-wrapped treats. Avoid eating homemade treats made by strangers.
• We recommend adults remain present and just as vigilant at sponsored Halloween events.
• Provide each child with a wristband with your name and cell phone number. Or, write this information on a piece of paper and place it in each child’s pocket.